Along with the purposes already mentioned in previous sections of this site, the Hellenic International Scientific Institute aims at offering the ability to promote any scientific or educational issue as well as any professional one concerning Hellenism, wherever this takes place.
On the other hand, prominent intellectuals who are part of the Institute, inspired by a spirit of volunteerism and love for their home country, when given the opportunity, we trust that they will convey to decision makers of European or International Scientific Associations/Companies/Bodies the advantages they in turn can gain if they choose our country as the venue for their events.
This will be an important "national economic development lever", and also substantial assistance in "raising the prestige" of our country in these demanding and competitive times.
This concerted global effort enlisting all scientific Greek population that lives abroad and domestically, is expected to establish Greece in the international and European scene as one of the leading conference destinations. Besides, we must not overlook the fact that the idea of conferences emanated from Ancient Greece in the sanctuary of Delphi with the "Amphictyonies".
At the same time, both the Board and domestic members, on a voluntary basis, can provide advisory services to all international and non-international organizing committees which will choose Greece as a venue for their events, such as conferences, seminars, expos, business meetings and other events. And all this is being done in an effort to have Greece established as a successful event venue.
Therefore, succinctly and in very broad strokes it could be said that the "Amfiktionies" Institute, among other things, aims at:
1. Being a "common meeting ground" of the Greek and philhellenic scientific potential of the world, regardless of subject, as well as of any notable professional entity.
2. Undertaking and carrying out research protocols or programs from Greece, the European Union or other international bodies or organizations; implementing scientific and non-scientific events of international interest.
3. Organizing, alone or jointly with other agencies, national and international conferences, seminars, workshops, symposiums, summer training courses/schools and other educational activities of various groups and scientists working in the same field or of similar scientific relevance, as well as participating to and supporting activities of other bodies.
4. Supporting young scientists efforts through making them aware of existing professional development opportunities in different parts of the globe.
5. Investing in the development of networks made by its renowned as well as socially and scientifically prominent members living abroad, to convince the decision makers of European or international scientific groups to organize a scientific event in a Greek venue.
6. Having Greece promoted as a first-choice destination for international conferences, symposiums, workshops and all forms of scientific – mainly but not exclusively – events of international interest by the various scientific associations, companies or entities of European or international origin.
7. Responding or assisting, if at all possible, if and when requested, to the work of the organizers of various conference events at all levels, in a comprehensive, direct and responsible way, so that both international/European organizers, and visitors/participants can experience the most favorable impression of Greece.
8. Bringing other clubs under its aegis for the organization of scientific events.
9. Organizing and conducting public awareness presentations, scientific lectures and people awareness gatherings abroad.
10. The Institute, in cooperation with Greek scientific bodies, governmental (e.g. Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Development, National Agency for Medicines, etc.), as well as any private legal entity, can organize short scientific events abroad. The purpose of these events is to inform Greek scientists and their families, and raise their awareness regarding the purposes of the Institute, for the sharing of scientific knowledge regarding the necessity of strengthening their relations with the Greek domestic potential as well as the need to support our country in any way possible.
11. Mobilizing at the same time the appropriate bodies in order to create in the two largest cities of Greece (Athens and Thessaloniki) two pinnacle conference centers that will have the ability to host events with over 3,000 participants.
12. In each case the "Amfiktionies" Institute is not interested in and does not delve into political issues.